Exhibit A
If you asked most people if they consider themselves a lucky person I bet just about every one of them would say no. Not just no, they would give you a list of examples demonstrating how unlucky they are. I however am here to say I am a lucky person. Lucky and blessed. See exhibit A. A gold ring and dollar bill. Both item were retrieved out of the dirt and yuck of spring gardening around my house. That's right, a gold ring buried in a flowerbed years ago and I was the lucky one who found it. I even found $100 on the floor of the SLC airport a few years ago. Having said all of that I would like to point out one thing, none of these little gems would have been found (minus the $100) had I not been hard at work digging in the dirt trying to better myself and my surroundings. I think it's Gods way of saying "job well done... go buy yourself a Diet Coke".